St. Malachy Catholic School provides students in Pre-Kindergarten through 4th grade a rigorous yet attainable curriculum that is a balance of academics and enrichment while instilling Catholic virtues and values. The curriculum meets the standards designated by the Archdiocese of Miami and provides learning experiences and opportunities that are best fit for the development and learning of all students. St. Malachy students are encouraged to work together to solve problems, but to also be independent thinkers and learners, always respecting each other as we are created in the image and likeness of God. Every part of our curriculum is designed to help each student Become Who You Are Meant to Be.
Faith First
Our faith is at the core of everything we do and is woven into every part of our school culture. Walk into any classroom or grade level, and you will see it is infused in our daily routines, procedures, academic lessons, and projects. Each day our teachers incorporate prayer, respect, and collaboration in their curriculum. Every other week our students all join together to celebrate the Eucharist or a Children’s Liturgy. This is a beautiful way to come together as a school community and celebrate what unites us--our faith. We commemorate and celebrate special devotions during the Liturgical seasons of the Catholic Church such as feast days, celebrations of saints, Holy days of Obligation, and Scripture as it unfolds throughout the seasons. We especially honor our devotion to Mary, and we pray the Rosary school-wide during the months of October and May.
Formation for All
The foundation of our Catholic faith is studied throughout all grade levels. Each grade has a specific focus on faith development and curriculum, but all incorporate spiritual, emotional, and foundational growth. The Bible, The Catechism of the Catholic church and religion textbook serve as rich resources for religious education lessons for students of all ages.
A Call to Service
In addition, we recognize that as Catholics we are all called to serve. Students are provided several service opportunities that allow them to take part in both spiritual and corporal works of mercy. Students see the fruits of their service and how their efforts and compassion for others are needed in our local community.
English Language Arts
Our English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum encompass opportunities to enhance skills for all children to grow intellectually, socially, and emotionally in classrooms across the curriculum. Our goal is to provide students with quality, rigorous instruction that encourages them to become critical and creative thinkers through experiences in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing. Our ELA comprehensive curriculum exposes students to a wide range of reading and writing genres, including narrative and informational texts.
Technology in the Classroom
Teachers are dedicated to finding new ways to integrate technology into the curriculum to improve reading and writing skills and to enhance the process of conducting research. Technology is also used to assess student achievement in an effort to modify instruction.
Academic Support
The Title 1 program provides extra instructional services and activities beyond the regular classroom to those students who have demonstrated that extra assistance is needed. Our program is currently offered after school and specifically in the subject area of reading. Eligibility to participate in this program is based on your home address.
Core Academic Subjects
St. Malachy students receive the education parents expect from a Catholic elementary school. While academic achievement is important, we focus on improvement rather than excellence. Whether they are at the top of their class or still catching up, we believe our students are successful if they do a little better each day.
English Language Arts
Social Studies
These are classes students participate in once per week. Our Specials are specifically chosen by the school to enrich our students’ education and help them discover their passion. As our motto says, we help each student Become Who You Are Meant to Be.